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Showing posts from June, 2017

Chicago Native Takes His Music To The Main Stage

Chicago native and R&B artist Brandon James is looking to take his act to the main stage this year. Already a household name in the Chicago area, the artist has his sights set high on breaking more into the mainstream with two 2017 releases. Brandon released “The Divine Collection” on indie label EPR on May 29th 2016. The album is currently available for purchase on ITunes and Brandon's website and is available on all major streaming networks. The album is a compilation of Brandon’s two prior releases and is the first released on the EPR label. Listen to The Divine Collection The first of two releases this year “The Divine Collection” is the precursor to the later release currently untitled but scheduled for a September 13th release date. To promote the later record, a publicity and radio campaign has been coordinated with Brandon’s label and will a...

Sample Band Agreement

Original  article by Christopher Knab  Throughout the last two decades I have often spoken of the importance of putting together a   Band Agreement   when you and your fellow band-mates are serious about doing business together professionally. Below you'll find a link to a template for a Band Agreement that will help you write your own Agreement. In my book  'Music Is Your Business ' I explain some basic facts about typical band agreements. I also suggest that you and your fellow musicians should try and write up your own agreement before consulting with an entertainment law attorney. Here's the link to the  Band Agreement Template  (Word Format)

There Are No "10 Steps to Success"

Original  article by Christopher Knab I have been watching, studying, and analyzing why some people ‘make it’ and others don’t for a long time, and I have given up trying to discover some magic formula that every musician can follow on the road to so-called ‘success’. Today, more than ever, there are countless advisers like myself who offer tips to developing acts and ‘struggling musicians’, and all too often we try to inflict some step-by-step process on musicians that will help them become successful as musicians, but the truth is  ‘There are no 10 steps to success’  or even 25 or 50 steps. So, I have been asking myself some questions about why some acts make it and others don’t. Is there a difference between the attitude of successful, well known acts and the attitude of upcoming acts? Why do some musicians make it big, while other equally talented people songwriters and musicians never get their music heard by the masses? What specific skills and/or inher...

Make Music That Doesn't Suck

Original article by Christopher Knab Visit us at For my next 10 Blog Postings I will feed you a daily 'Reality Sandwich' to chew on.  The term ‘Reality Sandwiches’ appeared in a poem by the late Beat poet Allen Ginsberg. I adopted it years ago to explain that there are certain realities about the music business that must be chewed and digested in order to rid ourselves of any naïve concepts and beliefs about breaking into the industry. With this in mind, the following observations should be taken as wake-up-calls about establishing your career. First Sandwich: Make Music That Doesn’t SUCK!  Since we do indeed live in a time when everybody and their sister can and does make their own music, that doesn’t mean that your music has what it takes to make it. A&R Reps are always saying, when asked what they are looking for, “We don’t know what we are looking for, but we’ll recognize it when we hear it.” What we can read into this comment is that your music m...