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Showing posts from August, 2017

A Music Business Test

A Music Business Test Original Article By Christopher Knab Feel free to give us a call at (818) 613-6193 or (615)-797-8399 I have something different for you today. Instead of writing about the subject of record distribution, and how labels, distributors, and music retailers work together, I have come up with a True/False and Multiple Choice test for you to take. It covers music business issues and simple everyday music marketing ideas that you should know a bit about.  I have ulterior motives for this approach. I am always amazed how many well intentioned, yet supremely business naïve, musicians exist in the world. For 15 years now I have been writing articles, columns, and books related to the business of music.   I am hardly alone in this endeavor. There are now countless websites, publications, workshops, and conferences, (both online and off), dedicated to helping independent musicians learn how the music business operates. Yet countless acts try to establish themse

Song Review Queens Of The Stone Age "The Evil Has Landed

Queens Of The Stone Age The Evil Has Landed In an age when most rock n roll is borderline hip hop beats with guitars and wimpy singers with crappy lyrics (take that Muse) Queens Of The Stone Age stand apart. Following a much-needed move from bands such as The Black Keys to more psychedelic 70’s like rock, Queens Of The Stone Age released the single “The Evil Has Landed.” From start to finish “The Evil Has Landed” is guitar driven madness delicately kept together by the band and lead singer Josh Homme’s morbid but harmonious lyrics. The six minutes plus song goes by smoothly and leaves you wanting more. “The Evil Has Landed” was released August 10 th and is the second single off the upcoming “Villains” album. 

Indiana Native Ana Morris Is Ready To Take Her Music To The Main Stage 615-797-8399 Press Release July 12, 2017 For Immediate Release  Indiana Native Ana Morris Is Ready To Take Her Music To The Main Stage     Exploding from the state of Indiana, 19-year-old Ana Morris, a contemporary soul singer, bares her honest rebellion with a new school ode to an old school recreation. Over a bouncy track produced by OT Beatz, “Hit That” establishes Ana’s confident swagger immediately. Certain to energize the party, Ana Morris paints a perfect picture of what it looks and feels like to partake in the smoking ritual of Bob Marley, while having a fun time belting out her lyrics. The party single will be available for download on iTunes and streams on Spotify, along with other download stores and streaming services through Omar Tyree Inc. / Tenable Records and The Orchard distribution network of Sony Music.   The second single “Take A Ride&quo

15 Marketing Mistakes Made By Indie Artist

Entirely PR 615-797-8399 (818) 613-6193    EPR NEWSLETTER #6   Entirely PR is a distribution label and digital pr company for indie artist. This newsletter was designed to help artist with opportunities and education via articles. We also keep artist informed on promotions and opportunities we have directly as a company. Feel free to give us a call at (818) 613-6193 or 615-797-8399   15 Marketing Mistakes Made By Indie Artist   Original Article By Johnny Dwinnel  Give us a call at  (818) 613-6193 Reaching fans is certainly easier in the digital age, but that doesn’t mean marketing is easy. Indie artists need to follow some basic marketing tenets if you want to make the most of your marketing efforts. Here are 15 of the biggest music marketing mistakes indie artists make. 1. Using hype on social media Too many indie artists tell people what to do in their Calls to Action but fail to get conversions. For exampl