The article was written by - Twizm Whyte Piece This Blog Segment, We Discuss How To Make Mornings Easier When Dealing With Multiple Children In The home …. Tips Tricks And Ideas On How To Make The Mornings More Efficient: Choose Clothing the Night Before There’s nothing worse than hearing the bus in the distance while your child is scrambling to find his sweatshirt. You should pick out every single item of clothing, from his shirt down to his socks, in advance. And make sure to check the weather forecast when doing so! Designate One Place for Clothes Once you prepare an outfit, you should put it in a designated place. That way, when morning hits, your child will know exactly where to go to find her clothes for the day. Keep Shoes Organized You can waste a lot of time in the mornings by trying to sort through mismatched and disorganized footwear. To avoid this, you should have a designated shoe bin for each of your kids in your mudroom or hallway c...