Orignail Article - https://stereostickman.com/reviews/ray-dickersons-command-and-control-dixie/ Raymond Dickerson keeps classic funk and soul alive in one mighty swoop with this single Dixie. Bringing together raw vocals, an infectious rhythm, and a rock and roll edge that emerges during the latter half, the song offers a whole host of musical perks that work wonderfully in uplifting and energizing the room. Dixie is a song with a vintage feel to it, both in terms of the musical set-up and the way the song has been written. There’s less of a pop-inspired verse-chorus system taking place, more of an outpouring of free creativity and expressive musicianship. Similarly to the way that genuine jazz follows its own rules and presents itself however the moment requires, or however the artist deems necessary, Dixie flies through with a certain air of spontaneity – feeling rooted within its own ideas and a few central moments of melody, but still som...