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Interview With Daniel Correa

1. Where are we talking from today? A. Miami, Florida.

2. Where did you get your artist name from? A. It’s my name. The Collective Bus part is from the word Colectivo, which is a type of bus commonly found in parts of South America. The idea of a rotating cast of players, sans myself of course.

3. Music wise what are you working on right now? Are you currently promoting a single or album? A. There are a few different projects floating in the stratosphere. I write constantly. My last single Take A Chance as well as my entire catalog can be on Spotify though.

4. Who or what were the most significant influences on your musical life and career? A. Michiro Endo of The Stalin has had the biggest impact on me as a performer. Musical influences depend on what I’m working on, but I always go back to Stevie Wonder, Mitski, Neil Cicierega. More importantly, I owe a lot to my family and friends who push me to be a better person, which matters the most to me.

5. Who are your favorite musicians? A. My favorite musicians are those I value as individuals who also happen to be great musicians/composers. People like: Zachary Di Lello, Dorothy Hindman(check out Setting Century, it’s dope), EMIA, Carlos Riviera, Kat Reinhert, and many many more

6. What have been the greatest challenges/frustrations of your career so far? A. You have to put so much in before you can get a return on your investment. There’s a lot of gate keeping in this industry that’s being slowly corroded away.

7. As a musician, what is your definition of success? A. Being able to be without worrying about what you have to do because you don’t have to do anything.

8. What is your idea of perfect happiness? A. When your unconscious self has been satisfied enough that it lifts you into an alternate state of being. One of humility and grace.

9. What is your present state of mind? A. I’m as well as my anxiety and depression will allow. Everything is honestly pretty great, but mental illness is a seedy, deceptive creature.

10. What is your most treasured possession? A. Friendships!

11. What do you enjoy doing most? A. Writing music or playing DND, it’s always a toss-up between these two.
12. Where would you like to be in 10 years’ time? A. In the pit moshing with friends and strangers alike while making a comfy salary to support me and others, creating more avenues for opportunity and success.

13. Where you @ online?
A. You can find pretty much everything at

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