1. Where are we talking from today? A. Los Angeles. 2. Where did you get your artist name from? A. The two counties I grew up in. Smith County, Texas (Tyler, TX.), and Lee County, Fl. (Fort Myers, Fl.) Essentially, the two places that helped formed the artist (and human) I am today. 3. Music wise what are you working on right now? Are you currently promoting a single or album? A. I am currently working on writing, recording, and producing a full-length solo album from my own private studio. It is very much still in the works, but it is my labor of love and the first time I have ever attempted to record all the pieces and produce my own songs. 4. Who or what were the most significant influences on your musical life and career? A. I know it sounds cheesy, but I grew up in a house that was always alive with sound and music. My mom always sang in the car and the first full-length album I remember knowing the words to was "Hell Freez...