1. Where are we talking from today? A. I’m living in Brooklyn, New York. 2. What would you like to accomplish in 2019? A. I would love to get a record deal and potentially move to Nashville to pursue my music. 3. What is your take on politics? A. Politically I identify myself as a liberal. 4. Where did you get your artist's name from? A. It’s my given name, I decided not to change it and instead go with what’s simpler. 5. Growing up, how important has music been in your life? Can you recall the moment when you decided that you wanted to be a musician? Was it an easy or difficult choice to make? A. Music has been one of the most important things in my life. I had a difficult childhood, but the music was always there for me and it was something I could constantly turn to and depend on. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a specific moment when I decided to be a musician, music is just a part of who I am. Whether or not I’m pursuing it as a career or just...